Massage Therapy
Our clients receive massage therapy independently, or as a part of a treatment program.
Massage Therapy is used for treating a variety of conditions::
Massage therapy techniques facilitate the following:
Deep Tissue Massage
Techniques that utilize deep-tissue/deep-muscle massage are administered to affect the sub-layer of musculature and fascia.
These techniques require advanced training and a thorough understanding of anatomy and physiology. The muscles must be relaxed
in order to effectively perform deep-tissue massage, otherwise tight surface muscles prevent the practitioner from reaching deeper musculature.
It helps with chronic muscular pain and injury rehabilitation and reduces inflammation-related pain caused by arthritis and tendinitis.
Generally integrated with other massage techniques.
The genuine reflexology is the application of pressure onto particular areas of the soles of the feet. A reflex action in another part of the body is
stimulated by the manipulation of each specific area. Unlike other massages that use thumbs, palms, hands, elbow, knee and foot, foot reflexology massage
uses hands, fingers, wooden stick with cream oil.
Prenatal / Pregnancy
Performed by a trained perinatal specialist, many methods of massage and somatic therapies are both effective and safe prenatally and during labor and
postpartum periods of women’s pregnancies. Prenatally, specific techniques can reduce pregnancy discomforts and concerns and enhance the physiological
and emotional well-being of both mother and fetus. Skilled, appropriate touch facilitates labor, shortening labor times and easing pain and anxiety.
In the postpartum period, specialized techniques rebalance structure, physiology, and emotions of the new mother and may help her to bond with and care
for her infant. Specialized, advanced training in the anatomy, physiology, complications, precautions, and contraindications is highly recommended,
and many practitioners require referrals from physicians prior to therapy.
Sports Injury
Sports massage is designed to enhance athletic performance and recovery. There are three contexts in which sports massage can be useful to an athlete:
pre-event, post-event, and injury treatment. Pre-event massage is delivered at the performance site, usually with the athlete fully clothed.
Fast-paced and stimulating, it helps to establish blood flow and to warm up muscles. During the massage, the athlete generally focuses on visualizing
the upcoming event. Post-event massage is also delivered on site, through the clothes. The intent here is to calm the nervous system and begin the
process of flushing toxins and waste products out of the body. Post-event massage can reduce recovery time, enabling an athlete to resume training
much sooner than rest alone would allow. When an athlete sustains an injury, skillful massage therapy can often speed and improve the quality of healing.